Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Make Money With AdSense by Making This Simple Change to a Website - Remember, KISS?

By Zach T. Washburn
Have you ever wanted to make money from your own home? I know we hear stories of people making money through Google AdSense all the time, but is it true? The answer is an emphatic yes.

There are quite a few people who make a nice living from Google AdSense alone. It takes work but some have mastered this art and now make up to 10,000.00 per month with this program. If you are trying to make money with AdSense, then it is important to build a site or a blog around a topic that has a high cost per click, such as credit report or any weight loss product.

The key is simplicity. I know we have all heard this at one time or another. But if you are building a site and trying to make money from AdSense, then you must not distract the consumer to much. This means, no flash banners, no blinking lights or text. Remember, the goal in AdSense is to have them click on your ads by Google.

Just straight text and ads, and let Google do the rest.

So to recap, when you are constructing a site using AdSense, you want:

1. The Ad to be the focal point.
2. Simple Content
3. No Flashy Banners or Signs.

Then drive traffic to the site, you will find that you CTR (Click Through Rate) will increase incredibly. I would not use PPC (Pay Per Click) to drive traffic to your site. I would stick to organic search engine rankings

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