Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Are the Best Niche Topics For AdSense Sites?

By Victor Awo

This is a question that has been asked again and again by many upcoming publishers. But the answer to the question isn't as simple as one might expect. Adsense niche topics are rare often difficult to find (some webmasters spend months, researching, writing content etc...). They are also very difficult to define. They are as elusive as they are precious. An AdSense niche topic can be a potential goldmine especially one that has some longevity.

Due to their precious nature people are reluctant to divulge information relating to AdSense niche topics. No one wants to add a whole armada of competitors to an already squeezed but lucrative theme. However, there are trends that people can use to get a measure of a potential AdSense winner.

Firstly, AdSense doesn't work well on religious, political or personal sites. There just isn't enough advertiser competition in these areas to make it worthwhile. For instance, you can build a quality site like but you are not going to get any revenue if you are only getting two visitors and one sole advertiser. But again there are exceptions.

You can alternatively decide to build a large quality niche site on Greek myths for example and become an undisputed authority on the topic. With this you can get a reasonable level of traffic going through your site. Even if the quality of advertisers are poor relating to a particular topic, you can still generate a reasonable amount of AdSense income if you have a reasonable number of visitors passing through your site.

Secondly, sites that have a commercial edge have normally worked well with AdSense. These sites can be based on themes that focus on a range of popular offline products and services such as insurance, health and high end technological products. Advertisers are normally clambering over themselves for the best AdSense publishers and they more than willing to pay that extra bit to out compete their rivals.

However, finding a true niche in this area is nearly impossible, simple because it is extremely saturated. Nearly every conceivable niche has been filled already. But you never know... the fact is that a good AdSense niche topic can be found in any field.

There is no such thing as a definitive list containing the best AdSense niche topics. And if someone claims to have one, don't trust them. The best way to find the ideal AdSense niche topic is to discover one yourself.

To do this properly you have to do some quality research which requires a lot of work and dedication. But it is well worth the sacrifice, considering the potential payoff. You can use Google's keyword search tool (which is free if you sign up for one of Google's services) to find out about the keywords related to some niche themes you may be interested in. Google's keyword tools also gives you an idea of the number quality of the ads that are related to your themes of interest. You can then use the information you have gathered to isolate profitable AdSense niche topics.

Victor Awo is a student studying Information Technology. He has been looking into the technological and social changes taking place on the internet for the last ten years. His main focus is isolating patterns and trends in the hope of predicting the future form of the global information highway.

For more information see his site at:

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